
Showing posts from February, 2021

Academic writing Task - 1 Vocabulary

  Vocabulary for Task-1 Vocabulary to show how many times... Exactly the same Twice Thrice Four times ...... ...... ...... Hundred times Vocabulary to show how much changed: Halved Equaled Doubled Trebled Qudrapled Comparison in graphs: Similar:  about / almost / nearly / roughly / approximately / around / just about / very nearly  Just over:  just above / just over / just bigger / just beyond / just across   Just short:  just below / just beneath / just sort / just under / just a little   Much more:  well above / well above / well beyond / well across / well over     Much less: well below / well under / well short / well beneath

Important Vocabulary for Line Graph (Task -1)

 Line Graph (Task - 1) Gradual Increase: an upward trend an upward tendency a ceiling trend Gradual decrease: a downward trend a downward tendency a descending trend Rapid ups and downs: wave fluctuate oscillate vacillate palpitate Highest point: peaked culminated climaxed the peak reach the apex Lowest point: touch the lowest point reach the nadir Fluctuations/Ups and Downs/Rise and Fall: Be erratic Rise and Fall erratically Changes sporadically Rise and Fall irregularly Changes Intermittently

Part - 3 (Linking words/Connectors/Cohesive devices)

  Linking words/Connectors/Cohesive devices Reason Due to Owing to The reason why Cause Leads to As So Since In other words Summary To conclude In conclusion To sum up In summary To summarise Finally In a nutshell In short To recapitulate All in all In closing Lastly Expressing time When Whenever Since Before After Ago Until Meanwhile While As soon as No sooner than Just as Defination Means Consist of Contains That is  Refer to

Part - 2 (List of linking words/Connectors/Cohesive devices)

  Linking words/Connectors/Cohesive devices Showing similarity or equating In the same way Accordingly Likewise Equally important Similarly Contrast However On the other hand Rather On the contrary But Otherwise In spite of Despite Though Although Even though Nonetheless Alternatively In contrast Whereas Yet Conversely Nevertheless While Whilst Even if Showing certainty Of course Obvious Undoubtedly Plainly Certainly Unquestionably Assuredly Without question Beyond question Indisputably Irrefutably Condition If Unless Whether So that Provided that For Depending on

Part - 1 (List of linking words/Connectors/Cohesive devices)

 Linking words/Connectors/Cohesive devices Sequence First or Firstly To initiate with To commence with To begin with In the first place The first is (Reason, Factor) Initially Next Afterwords Then Earlier Following this/that Finally/Lastly Consequence or showing result Hence Thus Therefore So As a result On this/that account It follows that Eventually Consequently As a consequence Thereby In that case Admittedly Addition Also And In addition To add Moreover What is more Furthermore Likewise Similarly As well as And then Too Not only...but Besides this/that Referring or example For example For instance Particularly Namely To illustrate In particular Such as To exemplify Just as That is to say

Important Vocabulary for writing task

  IELTS Vocabulary Very completely:  Entirely, Absolutely, Altogether, Certainly Solve:  Mitigate, Resolve Important:  Significant, Essential, Necessary, Crucial, Vital Start:  Begin, Embark on, Initiate, Commence Before:  Prior to Definitely:  Certainly, Undoubtedly Give:  Devote, Invest Needs:  Requirements, Necessities Impact:  Influence Less: S carce, Scant Many:  Numerous, Several Use:  Utilise So-Thus:  Therefore, Consequently But:  However, Nevertheless Problem:  Issue, Threat Too much:  Excess, Enormous, Significant Common:  Widespread At the end:  Eventually, Finally, Ultimately Few:  Rare, Scarce Not important:  Trivial, Insignificant, Unimportant Huge:  Vast People:  Masses, Individuals Increase:  Escalate, Rise Lack:  Absence Good:  Superior, Ideal, Effective Improvement:  Development, Enhancement Only:  Solely, Exclusive Education:  Schooling, Teaching Distribute:  Allocate Criminal:  Offender, Lawbreaker Small child:  Toddler, Infant, Newborn Teen:  Adult, Adolescent, Juv

Essential Synonyms/Vocabulary for Task - 1 (Report Writing)

    Task - 1  (Report Writing) Increase:  Rise Go up Uplift Rocket(ed) Climb Upsurge Soar Shot up Improve Jump Leap Move upward Skyrocket Surge Decrease: Fall Decline Reduce Go down Plummet Plunge Drop Collapse Deteriorate Dip Dive Take a nosedive Go into free-fall Steadiness:  Constant Unchanged Stable Remain steady Plateau Remain the same Static Rapid change: Sharply Quickly Significantly Great change/ Huge difference: Enormous change Overwhelming Big change/ Big difference: Significant Considerable Minor change/ Small difference: Fractional Marginal Slight Approximation: Nearly Roughly Around Almost 25% = One quarter 50% = A half 24% = Almost a quarter 26% = Roughly a quarter 51% = Just over a half 20% =  A fifth 75% = Three quarter 33% = One third