Important Vocabulary for Line Graph (Task -1)

 Line Graph (Task - 1)

Gradual Increase:

  • an upward trend
  • an upward tendency
  • a ceiling trend

Gradual decrease:

  • a downward trend
  • a downward tendency
  • a descending trend

Rapid ups and downs:

  • wave
  • fluctuate
  • oscillate
  • vacillate
  • palpitate

Highest point:

  • peaked
  • culminated
  • climaxed
  • the peak
  • reach the apex

Lowest point:

  • touch the lowest point
  • reach the nadir

Fluctuations/Ups and Downs/Rise and Fall:

  • Be erratic
  • Rise and Fall erratically
  • Changes sporadically
  • Rise and Fall irregularly
  • Changes Intermittently


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