1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? (Sample essay)

 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

"The invention of the internet has had negative effects on us".

The 21st century a technological era is highly developing on the primary and advanced features of the internet. Hence, on one side many people praise the internet for its numerous benefits. However, there are few negatives due to which some people even criticize it. In my view, I disagree with the topic, as I feel that the internet has so much to offer with its positives that one can easily ignore a few of its negatives.

This paragraph will throw some light on the brighter side of the World Wild Web. To begin with, the internet has given us the wonderful gift of communicating with anyone, living in any part of the world, with lightning speed and accuracy like never before. To elaborate, now we can interact with our friends and relatives across the world, not only over a normal chat but also through a video call. Hence, distance does not seem to be an issue anymore. As an epitome, applications, such as Skype, Whatsapp messenger, or Google Duo can easily connect us with our loved ones in seconds with super HD quality and speed. However, this, earlier without the online platform, was neither flexible and effortless nor available in such advanced features. From this, the positives of the internet in our community can easily be ascertained.

Besides, with the internet, education of the highest degree is made available in all parts of the world. Many universities and colleges which have introduced the concept of online learning, even distance learning program, after they learned the power of this network. This has not only increased the literacy rate but also reduced the unemployment level all over the world. In addition, it also serves the purpose of providing the right education to the places where schools or universities are still not available. The Indira Gandhi Open University, fondly known as IGNOU, has been one such epitome that provides such education to the people, including people living in remote regions, who do not have a reach to traditional academic mode. Again, all this development was just an imagination before, which was later turned into reality by this online network. Therefore, we should always be grateful to the internet instead of criticizing it.

Conversely, though the internet has brought revolutionary changes, some of its weak points are also a matter of concern. firstly, as more and more people are relying on online banking, another feature of the internet, a new crime is known as Cybercrime has become a threatening issue. For instance, many hackers illegally fetch the bank details and passwords of many online users to steal their money for becoming rich. However, such negative usage of the internet can be tackled by taking proper measures and, in fact, many governments with the help of online security have already brought down such crime rates of such deeds to a considerable extent. So, with such solutions, we can make the internet safer t an extent that one can hardly state that it affects us in a negative way.  

In closing, I would like to assert that, without the internet, the whole world will re-enter into the primitive era and, If anyone is ever asked to go reverse into that phase, then no one would ever choose to do it. Hence, it rightly concludes how positive the contribution of the internet has been towards the development of civilization.





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