2. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (Sample Essay)

 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

"A universal language should replace all the languages".

In the modern era migrating to any country has become very easy and flexible, and a few agree to have a global language for all. However, I disagree with this to a larger extent, as according to me, it is more likely to affect us in a negative way. Yet, the prevalence of a common language can be a boon in certain situations.

This paragraph will anticipate the dark side of introducing a universal language. Firstly, every language has originated from a particular culture and heritage. Also, a country is majorly known for its cultural identity. Hence, a global language will wipe out not only the nation's history but also the tradition which different tribes of the nation follow even today. As an epitome, once West Indies sheltered 1748 tribes which gradually declined to 150 after the majority of the people started relying on the English language also a Universal language. Secondly, learning a completely new language may not turn out to be an easy task, and also it will require several years to settle throughout the world. Above all, it is just a risk that can threaten mankind in various ways more than it could help. The same can be corroborated by considering the example of my country India. The country prevails on the motto of  "Unity in diversity". The diversity that Indian enjoys is furnished by the linguistic variety it follows. If a unanimous language were to be followed by India, the core motto of its worldwide recognition would be compromised. So, imposing a common language does not seem to be a great idea.

Furthermore, it will also question the capability of a person to learn a new language; because it may happen that a person might fail to learn it completely and end up with no common medium to communicate, comprehend and correspond to. One good illustration to explain this is the ongoing struggle of some people to be able to deal with the English language which allegedly is the current universal language, as it has given fruitful results to only those capable individuals who managed to learn it properly. Hence, it appears to be a challenge that might not be worthy enough to accept and give our precious time to.

Alternatively, despite the above disadvantages of such an implementation, one must not ignore the few positives that it could offer. Due to the diversity in the medium of speech the world over, it has always been tough for people to maintain a clear and smooth conversation with those who hail from a different linguistic background. therefore, the decision to introduce a common language can overcome such barriers of communication.

To conclude, the inclusion of the universal language can be a boon to society, only if it is not made compulsory for the people to follow. As, then, instead of helping, it will make things even worse for mankind.


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