3. Discuss both views and give your opinion (Sample Essay)

Some people prefer to spend time with one or two close friends; while others choose to spend time with a large number of friends.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Humans, the recognized social animals, may prefer to have smaller or larger friend circles depending upon their individual character and nature. In the essay, I will throw some light on both the views with certain facts and examples however, in my view, I highly choose to be surrounded by a lot of youngsters as a part of my friend circle.

In this paragraph, the people's opinion of keeping the company of numerous people is explained. Firstly, having many friends, the luxury of generating diversity in a social circle is attained, which can further provide an advantage to have a friend to satisfy almost every purpose. For an instance, we can have a separate group for watching movies, a special gang to accompany us for shopping and so on. Secondly, the chances of being in depression also come down by a fair margin, as with many people around, one can always be in a lively ambiance which will keep on cheerful. I, in my turn, concur with this opinion.

On the other side, the view of keeping our social circle short and sweet cannot be ignored. To begin with, people of such view believe that it is easy to find a friend for life whom we can blindly trust, rely and understand. The one who accepts us the way we are and sticks with us in our bad times. As an epitome, a poll conducted by "The Economic Times" states, above 80% of the people were convinced that a smaller circle offers more high-quality friends as compared to a larger circle. Still, my idea of friendship does not go with such a view.

According to my perspective, the privilege of having someone or other all the time is likely in the case of a limited company. I believe it is typically human to have people around me all the time, which allows me to live life to the fullest. What is more, the variety of experience, awareness, and knowledge that comes with such friendship almost always rescues me from any difficult situation, as I always have someone or other, offering a helping hand.

In closing, I conclude that choosing any type of company thoroughly depends on a person's attitude and requirement, as every kind of friendship can be fruitful in different ways. Yet, my incline is to welcome all with an open heart, and be friends with as many as I can. 


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