5. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? (Sample Essay)

Some people think it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school than at secondary school.

Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? 

Nowadays, the ability to speak in multiple languages is not only an increasing demand but also the need of the hour. Hence, it is always advisable to teach foreign languages to the students as early as they could. However, more subjects can also complicate the extent of learning, and can also put unnecessary stress on them. To my perception, I am of the opinion that, the bright side of such a plan overshadows its dark side. 

Firstly, during childhood, a child has the best grasping power which generally declines with the age. Hence, he or she will not only comprehend it more effectively but also show higher accuracy. However, at times, students find it too difficult to cope up with the diversity in the subjects. Hence, such burden may negatively affect their overall performance, by creating an imbalance in the time and focus that has to be given to each subject for someone, to learn and score in it properly. Nevertheless, if the distribution of the chapters is done wisely and the difficulty levels are maintained in a way that it does not put unnecessary on the student, then without any doubt, the positives of such an idea outweigh the negatives by a fair margin.

What is more, it is a universal fact that "Practice makes a man perfect". Furthermore, the more time we invest in something, the higher the returns turn out to be. To elaborate, if children are being given more time to adapt to global languages, they will not only start practice speaking them from an early age but the extra time that they may not have gotten if they were to learn from their primary school, will also give them an added boost by making them wise in that particular language by the time they graduate. So, this way, things will fall into place for the minors more precisely and fruitful. Conversely, it may also happen that a teen treats it as an optional subject, because of its uniqueness and difficulty. This way, the above theory can be proved either wrong or less effective. Nonetheless, if schools continuously educate the students regarding the importance of being multilingual in today's competitive world, then the chances of such a situation arriving will be statically rare to negligible. Above all, such a plan is more logical and advantageous to implement and, less questionable to withdraw against its trivial downside.

In closing, I assert that with early exposure to distinct languages, the students will strengthen their roots and prepare themselves for future use of learned language more effectively. Thus, it exceptional outcome that one can get from it makes the hardship also the disadvantages, worthy to face. Therefore, it can be rightly concluded that the positives here outstrip the negatives. 


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