6. Compare the two views and mention your choice? (Sample Essay)

In some cultures old age is more valued, while in some other cultures the youth is more valued. 

Compare the two views and mention your choice?

Different generations create distinct yet colorful impact to our civilization in various ways. If one side, old age people are being valued for their incalculable life experiences and mastery, then on the other side, the youths are also equally praised for their fearless attitude and innovative ideas. However, I personally believe that both the sets of people share the same importance in the society as they make an equal difference wherever they go.

The first section will shed some light on how the inclusion of the orthodox people is helpful. Firstly, it is a no brainer that old people brim with extraordinary experience and expertise. As a result, this  makes them more trustworthy and reliable, since their predictions and analysis cannot only save us from major failures, but can also guide us to reap prolific results. As an epitome, in India, in many families, still the elderly people are approached first by the younger generations to discuss any family or business issues. Secondly, the seniors always hold a quality of showing a calm and composed nature, even in the midst of some stressful situations. Hence, in an organization, during the crises, they can stand tall and handle the situation with an open brain. Thus, with the above impressions, it can be asserted that elderly people are capable showcasing such uncommon skillset which one cannot be expected from young heroes.

On the other side, youth-the green horns of a nation also deserve to be creditable for the exceptional features that they endure inside of them. To begin with, at times when it comes to taking high risk, the youngsters not only have the guts to do so, but they also are the only generation who prefer to worry less and dream high. This is also quite appreciated in business in which it is believed that "Higher risks give higher returns". Take for an instance, Google appointed Sundar Pichai - a young and energetic Indian as the chief executive officer thinking that he, along with the above skills, would elevate the company's sales charts like never before. Apart from that, with advanced knowledge and creative intellectual skills, our future heroes are a true treasure of distinct innovative and colorful ideas which are always necessary to keep the market moving. Thus, the youths and their unique traits are one of the kinds which cannot be found in the senior citizens.

As per my view, the elders and youngsters are incomplete without each other. Both possess certain qualities that can only be mastered and expected at their respective ages. For example, old people cannot be fearless at the age of 70 years, yet they can be experienced to a level, it is not possible for youngsters to accumulate.

To close, I pen down saying that the pair of oldies and adolescents happen to be complete unit which is capable, withstanding any storm and turning any imaginary thoughts into reality. Individually, they are the missing piece that can solve any puzzle when put together.


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