7. What are the causes of these pressures & what measures should be taken to reduce these pressures? (Sample Essay)

Children are facing more pressures nowadays from academic, social & financial perspectives. 

What are the causes of these pressures & what measures should be taken to reduce these pressures?

Though children are like tender buds, nowadays, they are surrounded by various kinds of stresses. Some are pressurized to secure top rankings in their schools, some are compared by society with their peers at childhood level, and some have to work hard to meet even the basic study facilities due to money constraints. In the essay, I will strongly point out some valid reasons behind such occurrences and further provide practical solutions to lessen their Intensity in a child's life.

The first segment will display the content of how children are academically pressurised and the possible remedies to release such stress from them. Firstly, to cope up with the increased competition, many parents are excessively pushing their kids to showcase extraordinary performances in their exams, such as achieving 80%, 90%, 95%, or even more. As a result, many juveniles, in their early childhood, live under constant stress with no one to complain, which is not only killing their creativity but also snatching away the best opportunity for them to discover their interests and passion. Hence, in order to free the children from such stressful scenarios, the ideology of the parents has to be changed. To elaborate, primarily the schools need to rectify the above bug and understand that forcing the kids to perform well, is not the best way to brighten their future. Later, with the help of seminars and awareness camps, the parents shall be taught that a child is going to be successful, more by the passion he/she follows and less by the excellence that he/she is asked to chase by the guardians.

The second section will emphasize the problems faced by a teenager, socially, and what could be done to stop it. To begin with, in some countries, it is still observed that the children are being considered as products which are often compared with each other to judge their effectiveness and performance. Similarly, even children feel humiliated when they are being openly weighed with their friends by society on the basis of different parameters. In addition, many parents in order to boast upon their kids further pressurize them to improve and be the best. Thus, they are left helpless both by their family and society. However, it is very much possible to improve such mentality if people consider the following steps. First and Foremost, the institutions should, once a month, organize parents' meetings in which they individually praise each and every student for any quality that he/she possesses. As a consequence, gradually the society will begin to understand that, each child has unique capabilities and, he or she should be appreciated for who he or she is and encouraged to grow what he or she preserves.

This paragraph will explain how a naive suffers the hardships of belonging to a financially dull family along with some suggestions to give it a better life. To start with, juveniles who belong to a poor family not only struggle to get the basic. knowledge, but also fall short of getting the top education. However, in order to satisfy even the basic amenities, many poor children work rigorously after their schools. Consequently, it not only drains them out of energy but also consumes their study-time which directly affects their performance. Hence, they fall short of the competence which is required to beat the other students at the competitive level. so, in one way or the other, they keep on struggling and thus settle with mediocrity. Now, to eradicate this issue, the government must interfere in this matter. That Is, it should construct various institutions which are kept only for the poor students to study at either no costs or relatively. cheaper costs, with all the required amenities of the top standard. Moreover, the ruling bodies should also provide exceptional scholarships to bright students, just so that they too like normal students get enough time and energy to study and excel. Thus, things can certainly be changed if the higher authorities support the lower class public.

To conclude, both, the parents and the society should together Identify the Issues that hurt the children, as the whole future of the world is dependent on these youngsters. We must therefore be responsible to learn and follow, what art the characteristics of the right guardian or parental role to guide our future heroes to reach their best potential. 


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