How to write a Essay (Task - 2)


Introduction (1st Paragraph) (4-5 Lines):

  • Explain the topic from its core
  • Acknowledge the topic
  • Never repeat words from the topic
  • Take your side at the end of your first paragraph
  • Never move away from the topic

Body Part :

  • Reasons/Points (2nd Paragraph):

    • Most important point/s or reason/s backed up with suitable examples.
    • Stay with the side you have taken in the introduction
    • Write a mixture of complex and simple sentences
    • Use uncommon and relevant vocabulary

  • More points and Reasons (3rd Paragraph):

    • Write another reason/s, secondary to main reasons
    • Give a suitable example to the above reasons

  • The opposite side (4th Paragraph):
    • Write points opposite to the side you have taken
    • Remember not to outweigh your own side
    • Always remember to make the opposite side negligible
  • Conclusion (5th Paragraph):
    • Write a summary of your stand
    • Don't write in detail
    • Write short and sharp
    • Give conclusion to the main demand of the topic only

Writing assessment

    1. Task Achievement, Coherence & Cohesion, Lexical Resources, and Grammatical range & accuracy are the four aspects to which you are analyzed.
    2. Sticking to the above-mentioned pattern, you may attain all four requirements.
    3. Grammar & Task achievement art two important aspects to get a suitable score.


  • To what extent do you Agree or Disagree?
    • It is important to mention your view in the introduction. Also, within the introduction only, one must not forget to include the extent to which his/her views may not be agreeable. That is, one has to write the extent to which one is against one's own side.
    • After writing the two-paragraph in the favor of the writer's view, the writer must write a paragraph for the extent to which he/she doesn't agree with his/her own view.  Though, there is no need to make a paragraph on the other side of this type of essay.
    • Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
      • It is important to mention that pros are more than cons or vice-versa, within the introduction.
      • The best way of writing this type of essay is to show how advantages are more than disadvantages, in each paragraph. That is, the writer should mention the strong advantages and weak disadvantages of the subject of the topic in every paragraph, instead of making a separate paragraph of disadvantages.
    • Discuss both views and give your opinion.
      • The writer must highlight his/her opinion within the introduction.
      • While writing the body paragraphs of the "discuss both views..." type, the writer should make a paragraph each on both of the views. While doing so, the writer should mention inclined(like or dislike) about each paragraph. 
      • The writer then can write a separate paragraph to express his/her opinion, in detail, before ending the essay with the conclusion


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