
Words to use instead of VERY

  Words to use instead of "VERY" Very dear = cherished Very deep = profound Very depressed = despondent Very detailed = meticulous Very different = disparate Very happy = ecstatic Very hard = difficult Very hard to find = rare Very heavy = leaden Very high = soaring Very hot = sweltering Very huge = colossal Very hungry = starving Very friendly = amaible Very frightened = alaramed Very funny = hilarious Very glad = overjoyed Very calm = serene Very careful = cautious Very clean = spotless Very cold = freezing Very competitive = cutthroat Very complete = comprehensive Very confused = perplexed Very creative = innovative Very crowded = busting Very dangerous = perilous Very afraid = fearful Very angry = furious Very annoying = exasperating Very bad = awful Very beautiful = gorgeous Very big = massive Very boring = dull Very bright = luminious Very busy = swamped Very easy = effortless Very excited = thrilled Very expensive = costly Very fancy = lavish Very fat = obese

8. Sample Essay (Complex Structure)

Some people prefer to be a leader of the group while other people prefer to be a member, which would you prefer and why? Groups, in general, can be defined (elucidated) as the collection (accretion) of people who work for their respective tasks. Man. being a social animal, lives (dwells) in various (assorted) groups like family, locality, community, state religion or country, etc. Almost all of these groups have one or a few leaders who are followed by other members of the group. Though, both leaders & members, working together, ensure the success of the group. but I, in my turn, would prefer to be a leader. First of all, it can be observed from history that leaders always get fame & respect (reverence) from others. It is also seen that whenever a group gets success (winner), all credit is given to the leader. To cite an example, after all, collective efforts of the Indian freedom movement the freedom was rightly credited to Mahatma Gandhi who, as a leader, ignited the light

7. What are the causes of these pressures & what measures should be taken to reduce these pressures? (Sample Essay)

Children are facing more pressures nowadays from academic, social & financial perspectives.  What are the causes of these pressures & what measures should be taken to reduce these pressures? Though children are like tender buds, nowadays, they are surrounded by various kinds of stresses. Some are pressurized to secure top rankings in their schools, some are compared by society with their peers at childhood level, and some have to work hard to meet even the basic study facilities due to money constraints. In the essay, I will strongly point out some valid reasons behind such occurrences and further provide practical solutions to lessen their Intensity in a child's life. The first segment will display the content of how children are academically pressurised and the possible remedies to release such stress from them. Firstly, to cope up with the increased competition, many parents are excessively pushing their kids to showcase extraordinary performances in their exams, such

6. Compare the two views and mention your choice? (Sample Essay)

In some cultures old age is more valued, while in some other cultures the youth is more valued.  Compare the two views and mention your choice? Different generations create distinct yet colorful impact to our civilization in various ways. If one side, old age people are being valued for their incalculable life experiences and mastery, then on the other side, the youths are also equally praised for their fearless attitude and innovative ideas. However, I personally believe that both the sets of people share the same importance in the society as they make an equal difference wherever they go. The first section will shed some light on how the inclusion of the orthodox people is helpful. Firstly, it is a no brainer that old people brim with extraordinary experience and expertise. As a result, this  makes them more trustworthy and reliable, since their predictions and analysis cannot only save us from major failures, but can also guide us to reap prolific results. As an epitome, in India, i

5. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? (Sample Essay)

Some people think it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school than at secondary school. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?  Nowadays, the ability to speak in multiple languages is not only an increasing demand but also the need of the hour. Hence, it is always advisable to teach foreign languages to the students as early as they could. However, more subjects can also complicate the extent of learning, and can also put unnecessary stress on them. To my perception, I am of the opinion that, the bright side of such a plan overshadows its dark side.  Firstly, during childhood, a child has the best grasping power which generally declines with the age. Hence, he or she will not only comprehend it more effectively but also show higher accuracy. However, at times, students find it too difficult to cope up with the diversity in the subjects. Hence, such burden may negatively affect their overall performance, by creating an imbalance in t

4. What are the advantages and Disadvantages? (Sample Essay)

 What are the advantages and disadvantages of wearing a uniform? Some companies and organizations require their employees to wear uniforms. Nowadays, many corporate companies and organizations have designed common dress-codes and kept it compulsory for their employees to wear them. According to my opinion, there are several merits and demerits behind such a decision, which I will display in the coming paragraphs. The first paragraph will highlight the positive of keeping the same uniform for all the employees. Firstly, a similar dress-code for everyone denies any discrimination among the senior and junior employees. Moreover, it also takes away any scope of judging people on their financial background. Secondly, if the companies design their own suits/shirts with their logos then they can also showcase their profession and genuineness, as it is a human tendency to trust something which looks professional and sophisticated, which, in turn, will impress and attract many clients to their

3. Discuss both views and give your opinion (Sample Essay)

Some people prefer to spend time with one or two close friends; while others choose to spend time with a large number of friends. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Humans, the recognized social animals, may prefer to have smaller or larger friend circles depending upon their individual character and nature. In the essay, I will throw some light on both the views with certain facts and examples however, in my view, I highly choose to be surrounded by a lot of youngsters as a part of my friend circle. In this paragraph, the people's opinion of keeping the company of numerous people is explained. Firstly, having many friends, the luxury of generating diversity in a social circle is attained, which can further provide an advantage to have a friend to satisfy almost every purpose. For an instance, we can have a separate group for watching movies, a special gang to accompany us for shopping and so on. Secondly, the chances of being in depression also come down by a fair margin, a